Montag, 28. Mai 2012

it´s not only the music

Because we said we wanna share everything about how to make an EP here are some points to say that haven´t got anything to do with music. last time we drove out in the country to take some pictures that we might gonna use for an artwork for the EP. it´s one thing to record a handful of (hopefully) good songs - but it´s another thing to create an artwork that´s good enough for releasing it. because everything has to be "low budget" and you have to be careful not to touch somebody´s rights you just have to make everything on your own again. we found a place where we could photograph some nice industry impressions - in the end we decided probably not to use them for the artwork but there ars some nice shots that we did so we wanna show you one or two of them. we wanna say a big thank you to a guy called dirk who allowed us to take the pictures.

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